PMPML Pune Driver, Conductor 2023 Exam Free Online Mock Test Series PMPML Test Important Questions 2023 Answer Download, PMPML Pune Syllabus & Exam Paper Pattern 2023 GETCO Previous Question Papers for Vidyut Sahayak JE Civil/ ELE & Syllabus 2023 PMPML Recruitment 2023 Apply Online.
PMPML which is also known as Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited carry for your good news. You will be happy to know that PMPML Syllabus 2023 has been released by the organization. Candidates who applied for these posts of Conductor and Driver can get their Syllabus for prepared well. Job fighters are suggested that Syllabus will be available on an official website. Candidates can download their syllabus by visiting on an official website. PMPML Conductor/ Driver Syllabus is important for every candidate to get a good score in the result.
Name of the Department: Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited (PMPML)
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Name of the Posts: Driver & Conductor
Number of Posts: Released Soon
Category: Syllabus with Previous Paper
Official Website:
Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mandal is one of the best organizations in the state of Maharashtra. Every year this organization releases various posts for fulfilling his recruitment. Earlier this organization invites an application form for various posts of Conductor and Driver. A Participant who applied for these vacancies can get their PMPML Conductor/ Driver Syllabus 2023 by visiting on an official website. Syllabus increases chances of success in every exam. Therefore, job hunters, who are preparing for an exam, should not miss getting the syllabus.
PMPML Pune Conductor/ Driver Exam Pattern 2023
The written exam for conductor posts will be total 200 marks from the subjects of Basic English and English language. After the written exam an organization will conduct an interview. The interview will be conducted for 25 marks. For Driver vacancies, the Viva will be based on 90 marks and the interview process will be conducted for 10 marks. The Participant should prepare well to crack all the process.
PMPML Pune Conductor, Driver Admit Card 2023
Admit card or hall ticket is very important for every exam for entering in an examination hall. Candidates who applied for Driver and Conductor posts must download their admit card from an official website.
Conductor Syllabus for Basic Intelligence
PMPML which is also known as Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited carry for your good news. You will be happy to know that PMPML Syllabus 2023 has been released by the organization. Candidates who applied for these posts of Conductor and Driver can get their Syllabus for prepared well. Job fighters are suggested that Syllabus will be available on an official website. Candidates can download their syllabus by visiting on an official website. PMPML Conductor/ Driver Syllabus is important for every candidate to get a good score in the result.
Location: Pune, Maharashtra
Name of the Posts: Driver & Conductor
Number of Posts: Released Soon
Category: Syllabus with Previous Paper
Official Website:
Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mandal is one of the best organizations in the state of Maharashtra. Every year this organization releases various posts for fulfilling his recruitment. Earlier this organization invites an application form for various posts of Conductor and Driver. A Participant who applied for these vacancies can get their PMPML Conductor/ Driver Syllabus 2023 by visiting on an official website. Syllabus increases chances of success in every exam. Therefore, job hunters, who are preparing for an exam, should not miss getting the syllabus.
PMPML Pune Conductor/ Driver Exam Pattern 2023
The written exam for conductor posts will be total 200 marks from the subjects of Basic English and English language. After the written exam an organization will conduct an interview. The interview will be conducted for 25 marks. For Driver vacancies, the Viva will be based on 90 marks and the interview process will be conducted for 10 marks. The Participant should prepare well to crack all the process.
PMPML Pune Conductor, Driver Admit Card 2023
Admit card or hall ticket is very important for every exam for entering in an examination hall. Candidates who applied for Driver and Conductor posts must download their admit card from an official website.
Conductor Syllabus for Basic Intelligence
- Analogies
- Drawback Fixing
- Spatial Orientation
- Area Visualization
- Evaluation
- Determination Making
- Visible Reminiscence
- Figural Classification
- Relationship Ideas
- Coding and Decoding
- Arithmetical Reasoning
- Arithmetic Quantity Collection
- Assertion Conclusion and so forth
- Quantity Methods
- Decimals & Fractions
- Entire Numbers
- Revenue & Loss
- Proportion
- Elementary Arithmetical Operations
- Low cost
- Mixtures & Allegations
- Time & Work
- Time and Distance
- Knowledge Interpretation and so forth
- Vocabulary
- Fill in the Blanks
- Sentence Rearrangement
- Grammar
- Idioms & Phrases
- Synonyms
- Comprehension
- Unseen Passages
- Antonyms and so on
- To get Syllabus, you must follow these steps
- First of all, visit an official website
- Select a suited link associated to Syllabus
- Click on a submit button
- Now you will see PMPML Syllabus