CCS University Syllabus 2023 B.A, B.Com, BBA, B.Sc, LLB Pdf Download

CCSU Syllabus 2023 for B.A, B.Com, BBA, B.Sc, LLB, M.Sc, BJMC 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Exam Pattern Pdf CCS University Course wise Syllabus 2023 Download Campus and Regular/Private Syllabus PDF.
Chaudhary Charan Singh University has released CCS University Syllabus 2023 on the net. If you are looking for the exam contents, then you are on the right destination. Dear students are advised to note the important study material for the related examination her on this web page. There is updated information available on this website and aspirants can access it by following the details given below.

CCS Meerut BA LLB, BEd, BSc, BBA Syllabus 2023 PDF

As the University conducts these yearly and semester exams on a regular basis, lots of enrolled students participate in the term end exams. For the current session, the varsity has proposed the subjects and contents for B.A, B.Com, BBA, B.Sc, and M.A programs. Those who have been following the latest updates need to get this crucial information now.

In accordance with CCSU, there is an entire synopsis given on this website for the concerned students and friends. CCS University BA/BCom/BBA/BSC/MA Exam Pattern is here to download and aspired ones are recommended to note it down or they can simply download CCS University Syllabus 2023 it in a pdf format. For more related news and updates, refer to the official web link given in the later segment of this article.

CCS University BA/BCom/BBA/BSC/MA Exam Pattern 2023

For your information, Chaudhary Charan Singh University is the most famous institute in the region of western Uttar Pradesh. Every year students from and around the region, take admission to the registered colleges and complete their higher education respectively. For this year, students have been provided CCS University BA, B.Com, BBA, BSC, MA Exam Pattern 2023 which needs to be looked upon.

CCSU B.Sc Syllabus 2023
Diversity of Viruses, Bacteria, & Fungi
  1. History, nature and classification of Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi
  2. Viruses
  3. Bacteria
  4. Fungi
Diversity of Algae, Lichens, and Bryophytes:
  1. General characters
  2. The characteristics and life cycles
  3. Bryophytes
  4. Gametophyte and saprophytic organization
Diversity of Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, and Elementary Palaeobotany:
  1. Pteridophytes
  2. Filicopsida
  3. Gymnosperms
  4. Coniferales
CCS University BA Syllabus 2023
Paper-I Home – Management and Housing
  1. Objectives
  2. Home Management
  3. Housing
  4. Interior Decoration–Part I
  5. Interior Decoration–Part II
Paper- II
Extension Education
  1. Extension Education
  2. Community Approach
  3. Communication
  4. Community Health
  5. Safety Measures
  1. Project work on Money – Management
  2. Floor Decoration- Alpana and Rangoli.
  3. Flower Arrangement-Fresh and Dry arrangements.
  4. Make any of the Audio Visual Aids - Poster, Chart, Flesh cards, Puppets
CCSU BBA Syllabus 2023
Business Organization
  1. Meaning and definition of business essentials
  2. Business Unit, Establishing a new business unit
  3. Forms of Business Organization
  4. Business Combination
  5. Business Finance
Business Mathematics:
  1. Matrix
  2. Inverse of Matrix
  3. Percentage, Ratio, and Proportion, Average, Mathematical Series-Arithmetic, Geometric & Harmonic, Simple Interest & Compound Interest.
  4. Set theory
  5. Concept of Differentiation and Integration
Principles of Economics:
  1. Definition, Nature, Scope & Limitation of Economics
  2. Meaning of demand
  3. Production-Meaning and Analysis Production function
  4. Theories of factor pricing, factor pricing v/s product pricing
Book Keeping and Basic Accounting:
  1. Meaning of bookkeeping
  2. Accounting Equation
  3. Rectification of errors preparation of bank reconciliation Statement, Bills of Exchange and promissory notes.
  4. Valuation of stocks, accounting treatment of depreciation
  5. Issue of shares and debentures
Business Laws:
  1. Indian Contract Act
  2. The Contingent contract, Implied, Quasi contract, Indemnity Contract, Guarantee contract, Bailment, Lien, Pledge contract, Agency contract.
  3. Sales of Goods Act
  4. Indian Partnership Act
  5. Definition Features Types Recognition and Endorsement of Negotiable Instruments.
Fundamentals of Management:
  1. Introduction Concepts, Objectives, Nature Scope and significance of management
  2. Planning
  3. Organizing
  4. Directing
  5. Controlling
Business Ethics:
  1. Business Ethics
  2. Work life in Indian Philosophy
  3. Relationship between Ethics & Corporate Excellence
  4. Gandhian Philosophy of Wealth Management-Philosophy of Trusteeship
  5. Corporate Social Responsibility
CCSU B.Com Syllabus 2023
Business Communication
  1. Introducing Business Communication
  2. Self-Development and Communication
  3. Corporate Communication
  4. Principles of Effective Communication
  5. Writing Skills
  6. Report Writing
  7. Non-Verbal Aspects of Communicating
Business Statistics
  1. Introductory
  2. Statically Investigation
  3. Diagrammatic And Graphic Presentation
  4. Statistical Average
  5. Dispersion And Skew Ness
  6. Correlation
  7. Analysis Of Time Series
  8. Index Numbers
  9. Indian Statistic
Financial Accounting
  1. Meaning and Scope of Accounting
  2. Accounting Principles
  3. Accounting Transactions
  4. Capital and Revenue
  5. Final accounts
  6. Insolvency accounts
  7. Branch Accounts
  8. Hire-purchase and Installment purchase system
  9. Royalties Accounts
  10. Partnership Accounts
Business Regulatory
  1. Law of Contract (1872)
  2. Special Contracts
  3. Sale of Goods Act 1930
  4. Negotiable Instrument Act 1881
  5. The Consumer Protection Act 1986
  6. Foreign Exchange Management Act 2000
Business Economics
  1. Introduction
  2. Elasticity of Demand
  3. Production Function
  4. Theory of Costs
  5. Market Structures
  6. Factor Pricing-l
  7. Factor Pricing-ll
Business Environment
  1. Indian Business Environment
  2. Economic Trends (overview)
  3. Problems of Growth
  4. Role of Government
  5. The Current Five Year Plan
  6. International Environment
Download CSSU Campus and Regular/Private Syllabus PDF
CCS Campus Syllabus PDF
MSc BiotechnologyMSc Botany
BSc Botany (I, II, III Year)LLM Syllabus
B.A LLB SyllabusLLD Syllabus
B.A Exam SyllabusB.LISc
BJMC SyllabusMSc Agriculture
CCS Regular/Private Exam Syllabus PDF
B.A Syllabus
Hindi B.A SyllabusEnglish Syllabus
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Mathematics (B.A/B.Sc/M.A/M.Sc)MSc Chemistry
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